Proper side mirror adjustment to avoid blind spots

Vehicle blind spots are one of the things that you have to deal with as a driver. Blind spots are gaps in what you see in the mirror. Pretty critical if you’re doing lane changes. Personally, I’ve had my brush of close call when changing lanes seeing an...

More of the bad of casa maintenance

I’m revisiting my take on casa maintenance. I’m adding a few more entries to the con part. Particularly because of what I experienced today. Now irritated by the noises being made by my Hyundai i10, I scheduled my car for servicing this morning. Only thing...

MMDA: Alternative routes to flood-prone areas

Thank goodness the government has embraced the use of technology. Okay, so we can forget about the technological shortcomings of the MMDA. Let’s give them a bit (only a bit) of slack. Their updates on Twitter and Facebook come as very nice non-fascist people...

Casa or talyer maintenance?

It’s pretty interesting how the argument for and against casa maintenance can go. Some people swear by it even after the vehicle’s (usually three-year) warranty has already lapsed. Some people go against it. Here’s a summary of the most common...

Coolant or water for radiator

My first disclaimer would be to clarify that I am no auto mechanic. Much as I have read and studied how cars actually work, I’m not one of those gearheads who can readily perform automotive surgery on their rides. At best, I know basic maintenance. And, if need...